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Usability, also known as usability, is a crucial aspect of product and website design. It defines how easily and intuitively users can interact with a website or product in order to achieve their goals efficiently and satisfactorily. A high level of usability is therefore crucial for the success of a product or website.

Importance of usability

Customers expect products and services to be easy to use. For websites, for example, poor usability often leads to frustration and visitors leaving the page quickly. This can mean the failure of the website, especially if users are unable to perform their desired actions quickly and easily due to usability problems, such as buying a product or finding information.

Characteristics of a high level of usability

  1. Easy navigation: The structure of a website should be clear and logical so that users can easily find what they're looking for.
  2. Intuitive operation: The operating elements of products and digital interfaces should be self-explanatory in order to minimize the learning effort for the user.
  3. Quick attainability of goals: Whether it's buying a product or getting information, the process should be designed in such a way that it requires little effort from users.

Effects of poor usability

Products or websites with poor usability are often avoided. Instead, users opt for alternatives that better meet their needs and expectations. Especially in the digital space, low usability can result in users leaving a website quickly and switching to the competition.

Usability measurement

Usability is often measured on the basis of goal achievement. A product or service is considered “usable” when it enables users to achieve their goals efficiently, effectively and to their own satisfaction. Companies use various methods, such as usability testing, user surveys, and performance analyses, to evaluate and improve the usability of their products and services.


Companies that focus on high usability increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. They ensure that users can easily achieve their goals, which not only increases customer satisfaction but also promotes brand loyalty. In view of growing competition and increasing user expectations, usability is a decisive factor for the long-term success of any digital product or website.


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Christian ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Branding, Design und Web Development veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der mit seiner Marke überzeugen will.

Christian Kallinich
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Aleksey ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Vertrieb, SEO und Google Ads veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der sein Marketing auf die nächste Stufe heben möchte.

Aleksey Rogalev