SEO agency Düsseldorf

SEO Agency Düsseldorf

We are experts in the field of search engine optimization in Düsseldorf. Get a top ranking in Google!

Why should you invest in SEO?

It's very simple: Search engine marketing is the most effective way for your business to acquire customers.

Acquiring customers is like fishing. A good fisherman fishes where the fish are. Your customers are on Google. About 63,000 People search Google every minute. That's a lot of fish to fish for!

The best part is: You don't have to convince these people. They're already convinced. You're interested in your performance, otherwise you wouldn't be looking. In no other marketing channel than in the search engine do your prospects actively reach out to you.

That makes search engine marketing incredibly profitable. The catch is, you need to be found with your website. With SEO Düsseldorf, we can help you with that.

Contact us today to tell us more about your business and start designing your custom Webflow website!

If you would like to talk to a website specialist about our web design services, simply give us a call:
Google search results illustration by Marketer UX comparing SEO and SEA strategies, emphasizing user behavior on first page results.
Only 4.8% of users click through to the second page of a search.

Search engine optimization vs. search engine advertising

The search results are divided into paid and organic search results.

You can buy into paid search results with your company. This form of online marketing is called “Search Engine Advertisment” (SEA). The advantage for you is that you are immediately found on the first page of Google. You can expect the first results within a very short time. To be listed in organic search results, you must do search engine optimization (SEO). The advantage of SEO is that you don't have to pay Google for your website visitor. With a top ranking in Google's organic search results, you strengthen your position in the market. SEA). Der Vorteil für Sie ist, dass Sie sofort auf der ersten Seite von Google gefunden werden. Sie können innerhalb kürzester Zeit mit den ersten Ergebnissen rechnen.Um in den organischen Suchergebnissen gelistet zu werden, müssen Sie Suchmaschinen Optimierung (SEO) betreiben. Der Vorteil von SEO ist, dass Sie für den Besucher Ihrer Webseite Google nicht bezahlen müssen. Durch eine Top-Platzierung in Googles organischen Suchergebnissen festigen Sie Ihre Position im Markt.

From this point on, the acquisition of interested parties is on autopilot for you. The disadvantage of SEO is that it may take you several months to achieve a top ranking with your company. For this reason, we recommend a mix of SEA and SEO measures to our customers.

In order to receive inquiries at short notice, we advertise search engines for you (SEA). We optimize search engines (SEO) so that you can reduce your advertising spending in the long term. With this strategy, you get the best results for your companies.

Increase sales with SEO

In the last 4 years, we have generated over 3 million sales for our customers.

Example of our client R. Zecevic Personaldienstleistungs GmbH, period of statistics: July 2022R. Zecevic Personaldienstleistungs GmbH, Zeitraum der Statistiken: Juli 2022

Our SEO services

What are our services with which you can expect a top ranking? In the area of search engine optimization, there are 3 task areas that must be covered so that you can expect results. On page SEO, off page SEO, and technical SEO.

On Page SEO

During on page optimization, we work on the content on your website. This includes search engine friendly text creation. (Of course, SEO texts are also good and easy for people to understand.) In addition, OnPage SEO includes the creation of meta descriptions, images and graphics.

Off Page SEO

Off page optimization is, as the name suggests, optimization outside of your website. You can think of this field of activity as PR work. The goal is for your website to gain credibility in the eyes of Google. You can do this through so-called “backlinks.” Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. (Backlinks are like a recommendation from another website). With Off Page SEO, we work on the backlink structure for your website.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is about the technical optimization of your website.
In short: Is your website running flawlessly? Aspects of technical SEO include loading speed, internal links and the structure of your website.

Get a free SEO analysis with our experts

Our SEO process

The right SEO process is important for you to achieve sustainable results. Our process as an SEO agency in Düsseldorf:
Marketer UX SEO process diagram showing five steps: Defining SEO goals, keyword analysis, website optimization, search engine marketing, and SEO optimization.

Define SEO goals

We support you in every step of the project to ensure successful implementation. In the first step, we develop your SEO goals and define your initial situation. This gives us an overview of the scope of the necessary SEO measures. The overall goal is for you to win customers. We analyze your website and find the most effective levers for optimization to sustainably increase your SEO success.Ihre SEO-Ziele und definieren Ihre Ausgangssituation. Dadurch gewinnen wir einen Überblick über den Umfang der notwendigen SEO-Maßnahmen. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist, dass Sie Kunden gewinnen. Wir analysieren Ihre Website und finden die wirksamsten Hebel für eine Optimierung, um Ihren SEO-Erfolg nachhaltig zu steigern.

Keyword analysis

Keyword analysis lays the foundation for our joint collaboration. Here we find the search terms with which we start working. After we have found suitable keywords, we analyze your competition. Through competition analysis, we better understand how your site should be structured in terms of content.Keyword Analyse legt das Fundament unserer gemeinsamen Zusammenarbeit. Hier finden wir die Suchbegriffe, mit denen wir beginnen, zu arbeiten. Nachdem wir passende Keywords gefunden haben, analysieren wir Ihre Konkurrenz. Durch die Konkurrenzanalyse verstehen wir besser, wie Ihre Seite inhaltlich aufgebaut sein sollte.

Website optimization

In step 3, we start creating your website. Regardless of whether you already have a website, we will create a high-selling website for you. It is important that your website meets the highest standards so that our SEO/SEA measures achieve maximum success. Most websites are online business cards. They look good but can't be used as a marketing tool.

Search engine marketing (SEM)

As already mentioned in point 1, we recommend advertising to all of our customers with paid search engines (Google Ads) to start. SEO takes time for you to see results. With SEA, we can immediately see whether our campaign is working. We can optimize your website conversion (conversion optimization ensures that more visitors get back to you). Most importantly, you're already winning customers by the time you get to the top of the organic search results.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Shortly after the start of the SEA campaign, we start search engine optimization. The SEA campaign allows us to see which search terms lead to customers. We optimize your website for these search terms. The majority of SEO OnPage optimization has already happened with website creation. This phase of our cooperation is primarily about building backlinks.

SEO agency in Düsseldorf

marketer UX is your SEO agency in Düsseldorf. As an official Google partner, we specialize in search engine marketing. We are convinced that search engine marketing is the most effective way to attract customers. SEO Düsseldorf is suitable if you work in the Düsseldorf area.

Is your company not based in Düsseldorf? No problem, we also optimize search engines in your area.

Our clients' results


Case Study: Tax Advisor Burkhard Küpper

From an unknown tax advisor to a multi-entrepreneur, speaker and bestselling author with millions of dollars in sales. How an ordinary tax advisor was able to become a thought leader in an entire industry.
“We have been working with the marketer UX team since the end of 2018. They are professionals in Webflow and we have implemented several projects in our joint collaboration. ”
Burkhard Küpper
Managing Director Küpper & Kollegen Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
That's how it works

How to get to number 1 on Google

Start with an SEO analysis, discuss your SEO strategy with us and get a non-binding offer.

Request SEO analysis

Request an SEO analysis from our experts now. In this first step, we analyse your current online presence, your rankings and identify your goals together. Allow 15-30 minutes for this.

SEO expert talk

Based on the SEO analysis, we develop an individual SEO strategy for your company. In a detailed discussion lasting between 60 and 90 minutes, we discuss all the details and set the framework for implementation.

Get an offer

After the strategy has been defined, you will receive a non-binding offer from us. As soon as you agree, we start implementing SEO measures to get your website up in search results.

SEO: Your key to greater visibility and success online

Search engine optimization is a necessity if you want your business to be more visible online. With an optimized website, you reach more potential customers and generate high-quality traffic that drives more sales.

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