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Webflow is a cloud-based web design and development platform that allows users to build responsive websites and web applications without the need for extensive programming knowledge. The platform is designed to help web designers, developers, and entrepreneurs build high-quality websites that are both aesthetically appealing and functional.

Some of Webflow's key features and features include:

Visual web design editor: Webflow offers a drag-and-drop visual editor that allows users to customize the layout, structure, and design of their website.

Responsive design: Webflow allows you to create responsive websites that look and work well on different devices and screen sizes.

CMS Features: The platform offers content management system (CMS) functions that allow users to create, edit, and organize content.

Interactive animations: Webflow helps you create animations and interactions to make websites more vivid and easy to use.

hosting: Webflow also offers hosting services for the hosted websites, which means that users can host their websites directly in the Webflow environment.

e-commerce integration: Webflow enables the integration of online store functions and payment gateways for e-commerce projects.

Custom code integration: Advanced users can integrate custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code into their projects.

forms and databases: Webflow allows you to create forms and store form data in a database.

Webflow has emerged as a popular choice for designers and developers who want to build sophisticated websites without sacrificing the flexibility of self-written code. The platform also offers the ability to build custom web applications that go beyond simple websites.


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Christian ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Branding, Design und Web Development veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der mit seiner Marke überzeugen will.

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Aleksey ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Vertrieb, SEO und Google Ads veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der sein Marketing auf die nächste Stufe heben möchte.

Aleksey Rogalev