Online marketing
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Customer journey - The journey of your customers

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Online marketing
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Customer journey - The journey of your customers

Forget everything you've heard about online marketing

I'm sure you know that: You want to do marketing, but you don't even know where to start.

You ask a few people for help and suddenly you find countless “experts” who promise to magically bring you new customers at the push of a button.

I'll give you some advice: Forget everything What you've heard about marketing so far.

In order to be successful with online marketing, the strategy is crucial

In this article, you'll learn the one marketing strategy you can use to successfully convert prospects into paying customers. With this strategy, your marketing stands or falls.

This strategy is applicable to all entrepreneurs and in every sector. And it is completely timeless because these basic marketing levers can never become obsolete.

The customer value journey

The customer value journey is the strategic basis for everything we do here at marketer UX. It is the master template on which every other online marketing tactic is built.

To convert leads into paying customers, an excellent customer journey is essential

It is so important that we can make this statement confident:

The task of marketing is to smoothly move prospects and customers through every phase of the customer journey.

From prospective customer to regular customer

In marketing, your job is to build a relationship with your target audience. This will turn them into loyal regular customers in the long term.

Every person who becomes a customer with you goes through an 8-step process. From the point she finds out about your company for the first time, gets to know your products, and finally trusts you enough to buy from you when needed.

We call this 8-stage process Customer Value Journey.

What if you could control the process?

You can then move prospects through the various phases of the customer journey in a predictable way and thus manage the growth and success of your company.

So you no longer have to ask yourself when the next orders are coming. You no longer have to keep your fingers crossed and hope for new customers.

When you understand this process, new customers and referrals come automatically.

Customer value journey overview

Now that you understand why the customer journey is so important — let's take a closer look at the customer value journey:

Customer Value Journey Phase 1 bis Phase 8 erklärt

The 8 phases of the customer value journey

I'll show you the 8 phases of the customer journey.

In addition, you will learn how to use your own marketing strategy to move your customers seamlessly through these phases.

Phase 1. Kaufbewusstsein schaffen

Phase 1. Create buying awareness

The first step of the customer journey is as simple as it is important:

No one will buy from you if they don't know you exist.

Pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?

In this step, the person becomes aware of you and your company.

Because no one is born with Apple and Microsoft. At some point, a person must find out about the company before they can become a customer.

There are various ways in which a potential customer can become aware of your company, your product or your services. Here are three possible scenarios:

An entrepreneur wants to pay less taxes, but still doesn't know how? This person then “by chance” sees a Facebook ad from tax advisor Burkhard Küpper, who has a Tax coaching for entrepreneurs offers.

Beispiel Phase 1 Kaufbewusstsein schaffen durch Youtube Ads
In this example, a tax advisor promotes his tax coaching through advertising on various channels in order to create awareness among the target group.

A family man is looking for a Alarm system for his single-family home and Google searches for a provider near you.

Beispiel Phase 1 Kaufbewusstsein schaffen durch Google Suche
Example of a Google search ad - this is played when the user searches for “Alarmananlagen Düsseldorf”.

An athlete has a knee osteoarthritis and would like to fix them sustainably. He searches Google for ways to avoid knee prosthesis.

Beispiel Phase 1 Kaufbewusstsein schaffen durch Google Suche
If you Google “avoid knee prosthesis,” you'll find an ad from Dr. Olaf Beck, who offers a sustainable treatment method.

As you can see, there are various approaches to create buying awareness among your target group. Here is a summary for you again:

Marketing tactics to create buying awareness

To create buying awareness for your company, you need to master the following tactics, among others:

  • Online marketing
  • Search Marketing
  • content marketing
  • social media marketing
Phase 2. Beziehung aufbauen

Stage 2. Build a relationship

Your prospect now knows that you exist. But he doesn't know you yet.

That means he doesn't trust you and your company yet. If you want to sell him something at this stage, it won't work. Your prospective customer needs to warm up to you first.

So the next step is to build a relationship with your potential customer. This works no differently in online marketing than in reality:

If you want to build a relationship with someone, you need to talk to that person and build sympathy.

That is exactly what this step is about. You start talking to your prospect and offer them entertainment and/or information.

But be careful: You can't even check this step off and then forget it.

You need to talk and interact with your prospect throughout the entire customer journey. Interaction usually takes place by conveying content.

Here are a few examples that you can draw inspiration from:

blueSafety gives their interested parties appointments to analyse water hygiene in dental practices free of charge.

Beispiel Phase 2. Beziehung aufbauen durch ein interessantes angebot
Blue Safety offers complex medical products for dentists. In order to build trust among dentists, Blue Safety offers an on-site analysis.

Elithairtransplant Use an online form to show your prospective customer whether they are even suitable for a hair transplant. Personal analysis creates the basis of the customer relationship here.

Beispiel Phase 2. Beziehung aufbauen durch eine kostenfreie Analyse
Through hair analysis, interested parties can find out in advance whether they are suitable for a hair transplant.

On his YouTube channel, tax advisor Burkhard Küpper gives free tips on how entrepreneurs can save taxes.

Beispiel Phase 2. Beziehung aufbauen durch einen Youtubekanal
A YouTube channel is ideal for positioning yourself as an expert and at the same time building a relationship with viewers.

As you can see, there are different ways to build a relationship with your target group. Here is a summary for you again:

Marketing tactics to build a relationship

To build a relationship between prospects and your company, you need to master the following tactics, among others:

  • content marketing
  • social media marketing
  • Email marketing

We would be happy to assist you with the implementation

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Phase 3. Kontaktdaten sammeln

Stage 3. Collect contact information

Now your prospect knows who you are and has engaged with you and your company in one way or another.

But if you don't get his contact details, you'll probably never hear from him again. Why

Nowadays, we're flooded with marketing.

Experts estimate that we are exposed to up to 13,000 advertising messages¹ every day.

For you, that means:

Just because someone is interacting with your company today doesn't mean they'll even remember you in the future.

So you need to get your prospects to give you the contact details. Then you can ensure that you contact your prospects so often in the future that they can't forget about your company.

This is how you get the contact details of your prospects:

You're advertising a valuable offer. But instead of monies To ask your prospect, ask them about their contact details.

Your interested party agrees and then, of course, receives the promised product. In addition, it allows you to contact him again in the future.

The advertised offer must deliver tangible added value to your target group.

Here are a few examples from various industries:

A woman signs up for the home24 newsletter by providing her email address. In return, she will receive a voucher code for the online shop via email.

Beispiel Phase 3. Kontaktdaten sammeln durch einen Gutschein bei Newsletter Anmeldung
With the email address, home24 can now regularly send new offers or exciting furnishing ideas to the interested party and thus establish a relationship.

A seller wants to manage the contact details of their prospects in one place in an organized way. He is interested in Pipedrive and would like to try it out first. In return, he provides his contact details and receives a 14-day trial version in exchange.

Beispiel Phase 3. Kontaktdaten sammeln durch eine Testversion
Offering a free trial in exchange for contact details is a smart way to build a long-term customer relationship.

The most important thing in this step is to give the potential customer something valuable in exchange for their contact details. As long as the user thinks your offer is useful, they will be happy to give you their details.

As you can see, there is an opportunity to offer something in every sector. Whether it's a free trial or simply a voucher for the first purchase. Here is an overview of the marketing channels that you can use in phase 3.

Marketing tactics to collect contact details

In order to obtain the contact details of your prospects, you must master the following tactics, among others:

  • content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • digital advertising
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
Phase 4. Erstkauf abschließen

Phase 4. Complete your initial purchase

Your new contacts from step 3 will continue to engage with you and will finally be ready to strengthen their relationship with you.

Contacts like the information you share and start to trust you. Your prospects are ready to invest time or money in your business.

Your key to success

Many business owners are frustrated by this phase of the customer journey. In fact, they offer the interested party a complex and often expensive product far too early on.

At this point, it's too early to ask for a big investment. Remember:

They're only in the early stages of the relationship!

The key to success is to offer “entry-level offers.” These offers should deliver tremendous value to the new prospective customer without posing a major risk to them.

It is too early to worry about profit.

That's right: You may lose money during this phase if you turn prospects into buyers.

And that's the most important lesson you should take away from this article:

The initial purchase isn't about profits or profitability.

Your goal is to generate new customers. We'll take care of the profit later.

The secret of successful entrepreneurs

The most successful companies know that a company's most expensive marketing activity is customer acquisition.

That is why Vodafone is ready to buy you out of your telecommunications contract and give you a free mobile phone. And that's also why Vistaprint sells 100 business cards for €9.

There are two types of entry-level offers: they either require time or money.

Here are a few examples:

GoDaddy sells a .de domain to its new customers for less than €1 per year.

Beispiel Phase 4. Erstkauf abschließen durch ein attraktives Angebot für Neukunden
GoDaddy knows its figures and knows exactly that this entry-level offer is worthwhile in the long term.

Audible Not only does it offer new customers a free trial month, but also gives them an audiobook.

Beispiel Phase 4. Erstkauf abschließen durch gratis Zusatzprodukt als Anreiz
Audible also makes it as attractive as possible for its interested parties to get started with the free audiobook.

This step is about acquiring customers and changing the relationship between you and your prospects.


The most expensive marketing (in terms of time, money, resources) is acquiring new customers.

The good news:

After that, you'll never have to pay to acquire customers again.

After all, once a person has become a customer, it is very likely to buy more complex and higher-priced products or services.

Marketing tactics to get customers to make their first purchase

To convert prospects into customers, you need to master the following tactics, among others:

  • digital advertising
  • content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Search Marketing
Phase 5. Begeisterung wecken

Stage 5. Create enthusiasm

Congratulations! A new customer has completed a transaction with you.

Sure, it was a small transaction. But it's still a transaction. Your relationship is now on the next level.

Be sure to avoid this mistake

Now it's your job to ensure that your new customer has a good experience and builds trust with you through the purchase.

If the person doesn't get value from that transaction, they won't move on to the next stage and will never buy from you again.

How can you now ensure that your customer has a good first experience with your product or service?

Your customer must receive tremendous added value from the transaction with you. If he derives value from it, he will be looking forward to the next transaction with you!

Your customer has already done what you asked them to do.

For example, “Download this PDF,” buy this product,” “Sign me for this service.”

As a reward, he should be able to derive tangible added value from this experience.

Here is an example:

A student buys a new MacBook. He then receives an email from Apple showing him tips and tricks for his MacBook. He discovers new features and is once again impressed by the product.

Beispiel Phase 5. Begeisterung wecken durch Email Marketing mit Tipps zum Produkt
After buying a new MacBook, Apple sends an email with useful tips to give the customer an even better experience.

This phase is about your marketing giving your customers the opportunity to get value from doing business with you — and enjoy that value right away.

Marketing tactics to generate enthusiasm

To create enthusiasm among your customers, you need to master the following tactics, among others:

  • content marketing
  • Email marketing
Phase 6. Verkaufswert erhöhen

Phase 6. Increase sales value

They have invested time, money and resources in acquiring new customers. In addition, you have ensured that customers have received tangible added value through working with you.

Important to understand:

It's possible that you haven't made a profit by this point.

If you're in a competitive market (and who isn't?), you may even lose money by the sixth stage.

That's completely okay and here's why:

From phase 1 to 5, you invest in your
future profits.

Remember: The Acquisition of new customers It's always the most expensive thing in marketing. But once you have a new customer, it is very easy to sell more products or services to them.

Your first sale isn't about instant profits. It's about turning a prospect into a customer in order to build a long-term (and profitable) customer relationship.

How to monetize your customers

If your company has a core offering, now is the time to make that offer. Once your customer has purchased this core offering, you can present them with other relevant offerings.

If you get through this phase, your customers will thank you for this offer.

Examples could include:

An entrepreneur buys access to online tax coaching “Taxes No thanks” by tax advisor Burkhard Küpper. He then buys a 2-hour balance sheet check to analyse his savings potential.

Beispiel Phase 6. Verkaufswert erhöhen durch sinnvolle Angebote zum Erstprodukt
Following the entry-level product “Taxes No Thanks”, tax consultant Burkhard Küpper also offers useful additional offers to increase customer value.

A customer of Pipedrive Book the next higher package to unlock more features.

Beispiel Phase 6. Verkaufswert erhöhen durch Erweiterung der Funktionen
Offering different bundles is a good way to upgrade existing customers to a higher package when they need it.

A woman with a new car learns about a flat rate car wash for €40 per month via the Mr. Wash newsletter, instead of paying for each wash individually.

Beispiel Phase 6. Verkaufswert erhöhen durch ein teureres Flatrate Paket
Mr. Wash receives predictable monthly recurring revenue as a result of the flat rate.

So: Do you have useful additional offers in addition to your core product or service? This is perfect for increasing customer value.

You should regularly inform your customer about the options and benefits of these offers. If he has a need, he will gratefully buy your offer.

Marketing tactics to increase sales value

To get the customer to upsell, you need to master the following tactics, among others:

  • content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • digital advertising
Phase 7. Passiver Promoter

Stage 7. Passive promoter

Now you have a happy customer who has earned you several profitable purchases.

The next phase is to set up marketing that encourages your most loyal customers to stand up for you and your business.

A passive promoter is someone who speaks positively about you and your brand.

He won't necessarily actively promote your company. But when asked about you, he speaks positively about you.

Passive promoters help your company gain more trust and credibility. This allows you to attract more customers and grow your business.

These last two phases (Passive and Active Promoter) are often seen as outside the control of marketing.

But that is not true.

You can create marketing that intentionally generates more promoters.

Here are a few examples:

An employee recommends the concentration app to his colleagues. As soon as one of his colleagues signs up using his code, he gets a free month.

Beispiel Phase 7. Passiver Promoter durch Schenkung eines Gratismonats bei einer erfolgreichen Empfehlung
With one free month, motivates its customers to recommend the app.

A customer from McFit takes her boyfriend to the gym. Since her boyfriend is so enthusiastic, he concludes a contract on her recommendation. As a reward, she receives a free month.

Beispiel Phase 7. Passiver Promoter durch Schenkung eines Gratismonats bei einer erfolgreichen Empfehlung
With the free month program, McFit also offers its customers an attractive opportunity to promote them.

A son recommends the PayPal payment service to his mother. In return, the son receives a €10 bonus from PayPal, which he can have paid out.

Beispiel Phase 7. Passiver Promoter durch 10 Euro Cashback bei einer Empfehlung
PayPal offers a full 10 euros as a bonus for a successful recommendation.

The most successful companies in the world have understood how valuable a recommendation from an existing customer is. Companies such as PayPal or McFit have even developed an attractive referral program.

Marketing tactics to generate passive promoters

To turn more customers into passive promoters, you need to master the following tactics, among others:

  • social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Search Marketing
Phase 8. Aktiver Promoter

Stage 8. Active promoter

Let's get down to the ultimate discipline: turning your customer into an active promoter.

Active promoters want to actively promote your product or service.

Option 1:

The promoter had a great experience with your company and would like to share their story with friends and family.

Each of us knows that one Tesla driver who preaches the environmental benefits of an electric car. Or the Apple fan who enthusiastically tells every family member about their latest iPhone.

Don't get me wrong: They are great and convincing promoters.

But it's hard for you to control them.

Option 2 (the better option):

Your promoters promote you because you've created an incentive to do so in your marketing.

It is important that you consciously generate more promoters. As a result, you build up an army of sellers who make you known completely free of charge.

Your marketing message gets a new audience: the promoter's fans, followers, and friends.

In addition, they hear about your company from someone they already trust. This makes it much more likely that they will become your customers themselves.

Here are a few examples:

  • An entrepreneur pays through the Coaching “Taxes No Thanks” 20% less tax than before. He is enthusiastic and tells every one of his entrepreneurial colleagues about it.
  • A marketing agency has brought its client so much new revenue that he shares the success of the collaboration on all his social media channels.
  • Tesla gives customers 1500 free kilometers of a Supercharger when they recommend Tesla to friends and family.

Marketing tactics to generate active promoters

To turn more customers into active promoters, you need to master the following tactics, among others:

  • Email marketing
  • Offer referral programs
Customer Value Journey Phase 1 bis Phase 8 erklärt

Why most people throw their marketing budget out the window

You now know all 8 phases of the customer value journey. To summarize for you again:

  • Phase 1: Create buying awareness
  • Stage 2: Build a relationship
  • Stage 3: Gather contact details
  • Phase 4: Complete your initial purchase
  • Stage 5: Create enthusiasm
  • Phase 6: Increase sales value
  • Stage 7: Passive Promoter
  • Stage 8: Active Promoter

Many entrepreneurs make a fatal mistake when they try to move their prospects and customers through the phases of the customer value journey.

You're trying with a (!) Campaign to sell their most expensive product to strangers and turn them into promoters at the same time.

That is impossible.

You need to create multiple campaigns that move people from one stage to the next.
So bewegst Du Kunden durch die Customer Value Journey

How to move customers through the customer value journey

Think about the customer value journey — whether you're involved in content marketing, digital advertising, or the like.

That's the basis for all marketing tactics you'll ever learn.

Next, you need to understand how to move prospects seamlessly through each of these stages.

The short answer:

They create marketing campaigns that consciously move people from one stage to the next.

These two words are important:

  • marketing campaigns
  • Consciously

That is why we are dealing with this explicitly again.

marketing campaign

The goal of a campaign is to get people to contact you.

Another campaign aims to attract new customers to buy.

A marketing campaign takes prospects to the next step in the customer value journey.


Everyone who has ever become a customer of a company has gone through the value journey. Regardless of whether this company has deliberately made this possible or not.

As soon as you apply the value journey in your marketing, you can specifically improve the areas that “get stuck” with your customers.

examples: Customer value journey in the application

Case study 1. Ruhr West University

  • Campaign goal: Build a relationship (phase 2)
  • Advertising channel: Google search ads
  • Our service: Web design & development, conversion optimization, campaign management
  • offer: Study advice for women's degree program in mechanical engineering

Ruhr West University is the only university in Germany to offer mechanical engineering as a women's degree program. The aim was to HRW to generate as many new female students as possible.

We have selected Google search ads as an advertising channel. This is how we reach every person who is looking for a degree in mechanical engineering.

We wanted to establish a relationship with interested women and have therefore already listed the benefits of the women's degree program within the ad.

Fallstudie HRW Customer Value Journey Phase 2 Google Suchanzeige
Google search ad as soon as a person searches for “mechanical engineering studies.” The benefits of HRW are already described here.

When you click on the ad, you land on a specially optimized landing page. On this page, the interested party will find all the important benefits of the women's degree program.

Fallstudie HRW Customer Value Journey Phase 2 Landingpage
In order to build up even greater trust with interested women, we have included testimonials from current female students on the landing page.

The landing page was designed to generate maximum interest among the target group. The sole aim of the site is to start a conversation with prospective students.

To do this, interested parties can ask all their questions about the degree program in exchange for their mobile phone number.


HRW was able to collect so much contact information from prospective students. Through the ongoing conversation on WhatsApp, a relationship was successfully established. The interviews resulted in consultation appointments and finally also registrations for the degree program.

Case study 2. Tax Consultant Burkhard Küpper

  • Campaign goal: Create buying awareness (phase 1)
  • Advertising channel: youtube
  • Our service: web design & development, conversion optimization, campaign management
  • offer: Information about tax coaching

Tax advisor Burkhard Küpper has designed tax coaching in the form of an online course as an alternative to clients with him.

The “Taxes No Thanks” product was brand new on the market at that time. That's why we first had to awaken buying awareness (phase 1) among the target group.

To do this, we primarily placed video ads on YouTube in order to reach as many people as possible in our client's target group.

Fallstudie Steuerberater Customer Value Journey Phase 1 Werbeanzeigen Youtube
Ads for “taxes no thanks” before and during YouTube videos create buying awareness among the target group.


Through provocative YouTube ads such as “Can I tax deduct a Rolex?” We were able to build up market recognition incredibly quickly. Objective phase 1 (creating buying awareness) was therefore quickly achieved. After the market launch, “Steuern Nein Danke” achieved a total turnover of 2.7 million euros within 6 months.

These results are also possible for your company!

Contact us and we'll show you how we can maximize your revenue.

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Case study 3. Schneider Law Firm

  • Campaign goal: Collect contact details (phase 3)
  • Advertising channel: Google search ads
  • Our service: web design & development, conversion optimization, campaign management
  • offer: Free case review

Attorney Adam Schneider wanted new clients for his law firm.

In order to collect the contact details of interested parties, together with Adam Schneider, we have developed an offer for new clients: a free case review.

Fallstudie Anwaltskanzlei Customer Value Journey Phase 3 Angebot
In 3 steps, interested parties receive a free case assessment from lawyer Adam Schneider.

In order to receive this free case review, we ask interested parties for their contact details.

Fallstudie Anwaltskanzlei Customer Value Journey Phase 3 Kontaktdaten Sammeln
The contact details for the free case review are requested in a simple form.

Interested parties thus receive a valuable offer in exchange for their contact details. Lawyer Adam Schneider's employees can then directly convert the inquiries back into paying clients. The rest is just simple math.


With this system, we collected contact details from 272 interested parties in just 2 months. 33% of this was converted into paying clients, which generated a turnover of 108,000€ for the law firm.

Congratulations, you now know all phases of consciousness!

You have successfully completed the item. Now you're part of the exclusive group of entrepreneurs who know how to turn prospects into loyal repeat customers.

The 8 phases of awareness should now form the basis for each of your marketing measures.

Use your new knowledge to improve your marketing and give you a huge advantage over your competition!

What's the next step?

The customer value journey you've learned here is a solid marketing strategy. With it, you can generate new customers in a predictable way and scale your company.

The wonderful thing about digital marketing, however, is that there are no limits.

Your next step is to expand skills in each of these areas. This allows you to outperform your competition and anticipate the needs of your customers.

This is the only way to achieve real growth: By creating and optimizing the customer value journey.

For true entrepreneurs

Want feedback on your current customer value journey? Or someone who optimizes the customer value journey in your company?

We're happy to help!

You can then rely on your marketing to work and get results.

This expert discussion is perfect if you, as an entrepreneur:

  • Want to consciously move your prospects through the customer value journey
  • Want to discover your sales potential through more customer inquiries & an optimized closing rate
  • Want to maximize your closing rate and average order value
  • Are you looking for a reliable online marketing agency that makes your company a priority
Christian Kallinich
Christian Kallinich
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B2B online marketing - That's how it works in business!

Most likely, you ended up on this page because you want to know what options and strategies there are in online marketing for the B2B sector? Find out the right answer here!
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Redesign of the company website

With these 11 tips, you'll get a top website! This is how the redesign of your corporate website will be a success!
Online marketing
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Winning customers in the digital age

Every company needs customers. A sentence that is easy to say. In fact, it only scratches the surface. What companies really need to flourish is satisfied, loyal customers in steadily growing numbers. Regardless of whether your business is just getting started or wants to continue to grow: Acquiring more or new customers is a principle that you should always follow!
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Webflow — a comprehensive CMS and website builder

Webflow is “the modern way to build for the web,” says the Webflow marketing team. There is no question that Webflow shines with modernity: The system makes website construction child's play for almost everyone - the only requirement is a few basic programming language skills. Webflow is therefore one of the strongest tools for visual design, but at the same time also a CMS and hosting platform of the modern era. In this guide, we're not looking at the sunny side of Webflow — we're more interested in the question of whether all the fun is actually worthwhile and which projects are generally best suited to working with Webflow?

Make a joint appointment for your website project now

For over 6 years, we have been moving companies forward in the digital space. With over 200 successful projects, we are proud to always think outside the box and discover new things. For us, it's not just about ticking off tasks, but about delivering real results. Rely on our expertise and let us help your company achieve a digital breakthrough together!

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